Monday 26 June 2017

Spooky Stuff!


Just a quick note.  If you want more of the spooky stuff check out my new post on my blog, Sara & The MIBs.

It includes some new spooky videos!

Don't have nightmares! :)


Friday 23 June 2017

Aqua & Purple Angel Orbs & Seeing Spirits


It has been a while!  I have been busy with the release of two of my erotica books but I had to share with you what has been happening on the spiritual front.  I have been seeing so much recently I had to talk about it on here.

Below I have included a video of activity I have been catching on camera.  I can see Orbs and spirit people.  When I was out yesterday I saw the large purple Spirt Orb, which can be seen on after the post in my bedroom on my friend at a meditation session and today outside.  I also saw a large pink Orb today while waiting for a taxi.

I am not sure what is going on.  Anyway take a look at the aqua coloured orb I caught in my bedroom last night on the video below.  Are these Angel Orbs?

Remember you can check out all of my Orb videos and Men In Black Spirit Videos on my Youtube Channel.

Plus read the next instalment of my own spiritual journey through my writing below.

Enjoy your evening!


Angel Orbs?

Aqua Orb

Large Purple Orb

Writing With Angels Part II

Chapter Two

It was around 5am on a cold dark winter morning.  At this time, I was around twenty-one and stuck in a dead end job.  My parents were going to Hull to retrieve my brother from University for the Christmas holidays and wanted an early start.  I hated being left alone and normally I would have got up to stop myself from having nightmares like I usually did but it was freezing and I was so sleepy I couldn’t move.

Foolishly, I believed our two dogs that naughtily jumped on my bed to seek refuge and a comfy bed to sleep on, would make me feel safe.  Feeling secure I drifted off to sleep giving the landing which was now lit, a quick glance to make sure all was well.

I must have been in that state between sleep and awake when I felt my eyes drift towards the stairs across the landing visible outside my bedroom.  I couldn’t see anyone but I knew someone was walking up the stairs and across the landing.  I could feel it.  Just a dream?  Well then why did my heart start to thud like an express train?  I held my breath as this person walked across the landing and in to the dark shadows of my bedroom.

The realization that someone was in my room was stark and unbearably strong even though I couldn’t see anything.  The dogs did not move or make a sound.  They would have barked if they could see an intruder.  Yet there was no doubt in my mind someone was in the room.  I screamed the words in my head, “Someone is in the room.”

I froze as I sensed this person approach the bed and walk down the side of it.  I was terrified.  What was going to happen next?  The presence appeared to kneel down beside me and I suddenly became aware of a person pressing against my arm and stroking my forehead.  My heart was ready to burst out of my chest and adrenaline took over.  The next thing I knew I was sitting up and screaming.  I searched the room with my eyes but the presence had disappeared. 

I can hear you suggesting sleep paralysis and for years I wondered if that was all it had been but now I know different.  I had another similar experience years later.  Waking suddenly one night I jumped out of bed and tried to run out of my bedroom convinced there were people standing in the room.  I couldn’t see them but once more I could sense their presence.  I actually bumped in to one as I left the room and felt a solid form against me.

My introduction to spiritual presence was to go a step further and actually make me wonder who and what exactly was around me.  It was 1995 and I was twenty-five years old and yes in another dead end job training to be a Legal Executive.  It was something I had foolishly persisted at because of the necessity of earning a wage to live when all I really wanted to do was to write and publish books.  I worked in a team doing Road Traffic Accident Claims in a firm of solicitors in Milton Keynes that no longer exists.  My team was made up of mostly men and what after started a friendly banter between us all turned in to a vicious attack and sexual harassment against me that led to an Industrial Tribunal.

Persecuted at work and unable to sort the problem out on my own despite exhausting every effort, I was forced to make a formal complaint at the request of one of the partners who could see what was happening.  The partners in the firm and human resources were behind me but there were some in the office who proved to be judgmental and dismissive of me as the investigation in to the situation progressed.  Those concerned where suspended and one of the three men continued his harassment of myself and one of the male partners.  This led to a hearing at an Industrial Tribunal with him trying to claim it was my fault.  The case was quickly thrown out and he was reprimanded for his falsehood.  I was under a tremendous amount of stress and my anxiety was almost overpowering.

I went for a massage at a beauty parlour and suddenly the lady giving my poor aching back some much needed care and attention, asked me if I was having nightmares and whether I was under a lot of stress.  Many beauty therapists I have come across can obtain a psychic connection with the person they are massaging.  I mentioned the sexual harassment situation and she nodded.  “Yes I thought something was wrong.  There is a cloaked person standing over you in spirit all the time.”

Now me being me, I took it to mean it was a negative spirit.  My self esteem was pretty low at the time and often still is.  Yep, you guessed it, childhood issues and a control freak husband, who thankfully I am no longer with.  I couldn’t possibly have imagined an Angel coming to stand next to me to help me through this bad time or to protect me.  No, I had to think it was some dark monster and I allowed my imagination to run away with me.  I think it was probably her use of the word cloaked that did it.

Can you imagine believing your every move was being watched by someone dark standing next to you?  It was like living inside an episode of Twin Peaks.  I will admit it, I was terrified.  So much so it inspired me to write a dark thriller about a woman stalked by a phantom called The Devil You Know.  It was the first book I had published and put in to print.

In 2010 whilst writing, Knight of Swords the paranormal activity around me was starting to heat up.  I remember sitting on the sofa watching TV one night after working on the novel when I was struck by another strong vision in my mind.  My character, Lord Nathan Valancourt, whose name was designed to be dramatic and very aristocratic in a Steampunk kind of way was sitting next to me.

This time he wasn’t wearing the high born Victorian man’s outfit but a black suit, white shirt and black tie.  Yep, just like a MIB.  What was even more strange, he had placed his arm around me and on his left hand he was wearing a gold band signifying a wedding ring.

At first I tried to dismiss the confusing vision as pure fantasy but it refused to go anywhere.  I even voiced my concern that perhaps I was losing my mind to my husband.  He told me I was just my imagination helping me to define my character and maybe he wanted to be married in the story.  That still didn’t explain the black suit.  Furthermore, there was no way I could make him married in the novel.  Not yet.  That would come in book three in the trilogy.

Every author will tell you that there comes a time when the character is so developed they will take on a life of their own and begin to dictate the story.  All the plans you made for the direction of the manuscript will go out the window.  You are no longer in charge.  It sounds strange but if you write you know you are on to a winner when it happens.  But Nathan was too vivid and frighteningly real to be just a character. 

This latest experience coincided with me seeing an increase of tiny blue lights around the house and outside.  Not long after that I was treated to another vision of my character one summer’s afternoon.  Only this time there was a twist.

I was beavering away working on the last part of the novel when I had the strange sensation someone was in the room despite being alone.  I quickly looked up expecting to find out I was wrong and either my daughter or husband had entered the dining room unawares.  But in my mind I saw Nathan once more.

He wasn’t in his Victorian outfit or the black suit but in a dressed down eighteenth century outfit with brown boots looking more Poldark than Dracula!  He stood in the doorway of the dining room where I worked smiling at me.  It was at this point I realised I wasn’t just seeing this in my mind but it was though I was also seeing an outline of it with my physical sight and the two were in perfect sync.

To my embarrassment I felt my cheeks warm.  I was actually blushing because he was smiling at me.  I wanted to giggle like a sixteen year old.  He had to be in his late teens and I have to say he was even more handsome than I had written him in the book.  He had raven black hair, blue eyes and a lean athletic physique, the kind of bloke you once every so often get to see and appreciate.

Nathan walked over to me, walking through the table to get to me in his ethereal form.  He cupped my face in his hands and raised it.  Then he kissed me.  At first I was afraid I was really losing it and taking developing my character a little too far.  But I felt my face lift and the brush of his lip against mine and I knew it was somehow real.  Who was Nathan really?  And what did he want from me?

Saturday 10 June 2017

Angel Orbs & Ghost Writers


I have decided to post details of my own ghostly and Angelic experiences since while working on my novels on this blog as I develop my non-fiction book, Writing With Angels.  Check it out below and let me know about your own ghost or Angel encounters.

Did you check out the video of the purple spirit orb I caught flying around my room on the previous post?  If not, take a look.  I have recently been informed by a Medium that it is an Angel Orb and that of Archangel Zadkiel.  This Archangel comes close to you to help aid transformation, forgiveness, mercy and compassion.  Diane Cooper also states he is the Angel of Freedom and works on the silver violet Ray hence the lovely purple colour.  If you look closely you can also see that the orb also has some deep blue in it.

Have you see an Angel Orbs?

Enjoy the excerpt and don't have nightmares!


Writing With Angels


I am not your average stereotypical Spiritual Medium.  In fact, I am apparently so different some other Spiritual Mediums can’t help raise an eyebrow when I tell them about my experiences.  They don’t fit their own.  I don’t have pink or green hair.  I have never worn a long flowing earthy coloured dress nor am I a wise woman or even a witch.  I am a mad struggling author.  And I am not accompanied on my Spiritual Journey by pretty looking harp playing Angels wearing white robes, gold halos and flapping large wings like they just walked off the latest Doctor Who set.

No, I like to wear black, black and more black.  It makes you look thinner.  I also wouldn’t be seen dead in public without my makeup on, in a pair of flats and a dress longer than my knees.  It’s just not my thing and not a good look for a short curvy nervous person like me.  I would never carry it off with confidence.  And more interestingly my Angels or Guides, use whichever name you like best, act like my security detail, career consultants, story advisers, Literary Agents and are all handsome wearing black suits and sunglasses sans wings looking like they just stepped out of a Prada shoot.  Why so different I hear you ask?  Beats me.  I call them my MIBs and where I go they go.  They have always been there even when I didn’t know they were.  Clearly I didn’t come here alone.

There are so many Spiritual books out there offering you a different better way to live your life and gain a new perspective on death and beyond.  So what does this Spiritualist book offer you that others don’t?  Have I got anything worth telling you?  Or anything new for that matter?

I don’t have all the answers.  I am not going to pretend I do.  I can’t tell you that the Universe is on your side, that the law of attraction will bring you everything you want and desperately need if you believe it enough.  Nor can I promise to change your life.  That is up to you.  What I can tell you is about my own experience of life and how I am learning along with you how to adapt to the challenges, heartache, joy and adventure it brings along the way.  I want to inspire you to find a solution to your problems.  The answer lies within you and no one else.  It was programmed in to you before you were born.

How will I do that?  Well, it is simple really.  I am an author writing erotic romance, thrillers and much more under the pen name of Arabella Kingsley and through writing stories, I am learning a lot about myself, my needs and what direction I want to take my life and you can too.  Being creative opens doors to your subconscious you never thought existed.  Whatever you write on the page is an undiscovered aspect of you.  Every character in a book is a part of the author, good or bad.  The scenario and plot are from your own life, maybe even a past one.  In essence every story, every character, every challenge the hero faces in your story is about you.  Your secrets and hidden desires are bare on the page.  I can’t tell you how many times one of my friends has questioned me as to why I write BDSM Erotica.  What does that say about me?  There must be something hidden in my psyche.  It made me uncomfortable in the past but after exploring my writing further and stretching my boundaries of the genre, I exposed a secret I kept hidden for fear of disapproval.

But I can’t write anything let alone a book I hear some of you cry.  Rubbish.  If I can do it and be successful anyone can.  There is a book in everyone.  Isn’t your life a story?  You are in control of shaping the plot’s direction.  Embrace your fear of the written word, feel the fear and do it anyway as a famous book once said and delve in to your inner world to find out what you really want and need from your life, relationships and career.  And yes, bring your own Angels along for the ride and let them help you find your inner scribe.  There is a story in everyone.  This is mine.


Chapter One

In 2010 I wrote a book and the character came alive.  It was a Victorian Vampire Romance about a handsome rich and very well attired English Lord who was half vampire and half human and hell bent on both loving and protecting his Queen.  I loved writing about his exploits in the story and I have to confess I rather fell in love with him.  I never expected him to leap off the page and come to life in front of me.

Stranger than fiction?  Most definitely.  I’d noticed something weird was happening as I got further and further in to the novel.  I always see my story as a movie playing in my head.  Occasionally it is disjointed and I have to piece it together but often it runs eloquently from scene to scene.  The first picture will flourish in to being, filling the screen in my mind and I  translate it on to the page.  As I do the details expand and the words flow fast.  I will listen to a song I feel fits the scene that has presented itself and it conspires with my imagination to grow the image.  The writing becomes fast and frantic as I reach to get every detail out on to the page playing the song and the scene over and over again.  Only this day there was something new, something extra occurring in the process.

I became aware for the first time that the scene hadn’t just been presented out of thin air in my mind, that it wasn’t a random collection of thoughts and images I tried to define and make sense of, it had been planted there by someone else.

The image was of deep snow in a forest.  My hero and the army of men who accompanied him all wearing long black wool coats wielding swords on top of horses in the Victorian era were making their way through the forest determined to find their missing Queen.  Suddenly I felt as though I were really there with them, standing at a distance viewing everything in front of me.  The sensation was so strong I could hear the crunch of snow as I walked and feel the stillness of the atmosphere around me.  The cold air breathed against my face chilling the skin.  Amazed, I reached out my hand to brush my fingertips against some snow resting on top of the branch of a pine tree.  I could really feel its icy texture as I rolled it in the palm of my hand forcing it to melt.  I wasn’t just seeing vividly, I was experiencing touch and hearing.  The scene no longer felt like an image I was using for my novel but some kind of psychic vision.

Surprised, I stopped the music playing loudly in my ears and my reality came back in to focus.  The vision had been exhilarating and my heart was pounding.  I wondered if I might be tapping in to some new creative ability in my mind that only really successful writers unlike myself could use.  But I was to receive a shock.

I think I need to explain the lead up to this experience that would signal a profound change in my life.  Not long before I had been seeing lots of tiny twinkling lights around me.  Mostly they were a colbalt blue colour but I was soon to see bright red, orange, green, deep purple, yellow and another paler shade of blue.  At first I panicked wondering what the heck was wrong with my eyes.  I had been experiencing a lot of dizziness since 2008 which was slowly getting worse and heralding the arrival of lots of other symptoms from a nervous system and brain problem called functional neurological disorder which made me paralysed for periods of time, gave me fits and much more, something it continues to do so.  I couldn’t help thinking that this might be another weird symptom or a problem with my eyes.  Quickly I made an appointment with the Optician.  He performed a test on the back of my eyes and found nothing wrong at all.  And there was nothing to suggest that the lights were part of my brain disorder.

The frequency with which I began to see the tiny sparks of light increased.  I saw them often when writing and at night in my bedroom of all places.  Confused and highly intrigued, I found myself checking out a lot of Doreen Virtue’s books on Angels.  She describes pinpricks of light as an Angel.  In particular she referenced the small intense blue light as Archangel Michael.  Naturally I became excited wondering why I had been graced with this Angel’s presence.

To learn more I attended a Spiritual Circle run by a local Medium.  I had tried to go to the sessions two years before but the onset of my illness had prevented me from driving and I just hadn’t been up to it.  Although I was still unwell, I was in the frame of mind to develop my own psychic powers as much as I could whilst writing my novel Knight of Swords and find out more about the Angel lights twinkling around me.

I wasn’t a complete stranger to this type of unexplained experience.  When I look back I had seen blue lights when I was younger.  But as you grow up you begin to dismiss these things or they fade in to the background.  I remember often feeling frightened at night as a child.  The door to my bedroom always had to be opened so I could view the landing and the stairs.  The idea that someone might walk up the stairs and cross the landing to my room at night terrified me.  It was just something that kept me preoccupied at night.  I would lie in my bed staring out in to the blackness waiting for that man to come.  Then one very early morning it happened.